Racist mascot above rule in student handbook prohibiting all racist overtones

Algood Middle School Needs a New Mascot

There is no reason a school should be using a racial slur as a mascot for a middle school. They have no justification for the racism other than they have been doing it a long time, and as seen above, their own handbook prohibits even “racist overtones.”

Looking for information to contact the school and let them know how you feel?

Twitter: https://twitter.com/amsredskins

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlgoodMiddleSchool/

Putnam Co Schools Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pcsstn

Ashley Garrett Browne who updates social media: https://twitter.com/MsAshMarie12

School telephone and other contact can be found here at their website: http://www.algoodredskins.com/

Contact information for the Putnam Co School board who oversees the entire county and voted unanimously to keep using a racial slur can be found here: http://www.pcsstn.com/

List of the current Advertisers who are giving Algood Middle school money to advertise on a page with a racial slur in the URL

List of current advertisers to Algood middle school prominently displayed on a page with a racial slur in the URL

Want to help get this all changed?

Every little bit helps, the people fighting to keep teaching children hate speech are well funded and have national organizations they use to funnel money to their causes. (This website has no affiliation with these funding sources and gets no proceeds from these sales.)

Gofundme: https://www.gofundme.com/f/replace-algoodracist-school-mascots

Buy a tshirt: https://www.bonfire.com/replace-the-algood-school-mascots/

Change.org petition: https://www.change.org/p/the-school-board-change-the-algood-middle-school-mascot